Saturday, December 26, 2009


Assalamualaikum peeps!.. Its been a while since i've gone fishing, anyways, last friday went up to mangrove paradise resort just to have a look around.. i heard its fully booked for this new year. . The location is around kota batu a 15 mins drive from the capital..For fishing enthuaist, there's a spot for fishing here... $3.00 per entry, $5.00 per rental fishing rod, $1.0o using own rod... its a "CATCH AND PAY" fish.. di sini terdapat beberapa pondok yang di sediakan untuk para pemancing.. antara ikan-ikan yang terdapat di kolam ini, ikan selungsong, ikan merah, ikan putih, talapia dan macam macam lagi..

One of the angler caught a Seabass (ikan Selungsong) using casting bait.
One of frens caught 3 ikan selusong and 1 ikan putih and beberapa ikan talapia...

so apa lagi guys... cuba tia memancing sana...


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